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Auto-Start Entry Point (ASEP) Methods (HOW VIRUS LOADS)

Auto-Start Entry Point (ASEP) Methods

AppInit_DLLs: All the DLLs that are specified in this value are loaded by each Microsoft Windows-based application that is running in the current log on session. The AppInit DLLs are loaded by using the LoadLibrary() function during the DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH process of User32.dll. Therefore, executables that do not link with User32.dll do not load the AppInit DLLs. Therefore one of the 16 imports was user32.dll (Import table (libraries: 16))

Because of their early loading, only API functions that are exported from Kernel32.dll are safe to use in the initialization of the AppInit DLLs. So murka.dat registers itself in the "AppInit_DLLs" as a load point for the beep.sys so that every time the computer starts, the RootKit driver can load itself with the kernel...


When the Trojan is executed, it creates following files:


It then overwrites following files:

%System%\beep.sys |
%System%\dllcache\beep.sys | <---- Actual driver that later on uses RootKit feature to hide the process medichi.exe

Next, the Trojan creates the following registry entries so that it executes whenever Windows starts:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\"AppInit_DLLs" = "%Windir%\murka.dat"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\"Medichi" = %Windir%\medichi.exe"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\"Medichi2" = "%Windir%\medichi2"

It then hooks the following API and hides itself: <--- RootKit activity
ZwQuerySystemInformation <--- Hooks the Native subsystems funftion call

The Trojan then connects to the following location, which displays a fake security alert:

It also opens the following URL, which may contain another program:

The Trojan monitors the browser on the compromised computer and steals search keywords that can be used on certain search engines and submits it to following remote location:

It attempts to download updates of itself from the following locations:

RootKit Activity: Rootkits work by changing API results so that a system view using APIs differs from the actual view in storage. The highest level is the Windows API and the lowest level is the raw contents of a file system volume or Registry hive (a hive file is the Registry's on-disk storage format). Thus, Rootkits, user mode or kernel mode, manipulate the Windows API or native API to remove their presence from a directory listing. A kernel-mode RootKit can control any aspect of a system's behavior so information returned by any API, including the raw reads of Registry hive and file system, can be compromised.

Little More Details:

The early Rootkits were basically application Rootkits. They used to overwrite Windows user-mode application binaries with trojaned binaries. To hide a given piece of Malware effectively, the RootKit might need to overwrite many applications. This sledge-hammer technique was relatively crude and easily spotted by checksum-based PC security programs.

Instead of overwriting binaries, User Mode Rootkits can hide objects by intercepting (hooking) application calls to high-level Windows API functions. Most Windows applications rely on stock functions for a wide range of basic tasks, such as displaying dialog boxes or driving devices such as hard drives and printers. The stock Microsoft functions are grouped conceptually and stored in shared libraries, referred to as Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs). Every developer can learn the locations of functions within DLLs -- and every attacker can exploit this same knowledge. For example, many applications use the kernel32.dll FindFirstFile function to explore files. A RootKit may change the application's Import Address Table, replacing pointers to the location of kernel32.dll with RootKit DLL pointers. When the FindFirstFile function is invoked, the RootKit uses the kernel32.dll's FindFirstFile function, but filters the result to hide filenames that provide evidence of the Rootkits presence. This Windows API hooking technique can also be used to hide processes, sockets, services, and registry keys.

More sophisticated User Mode Rootkits exploit the slightly lower-level Native API which invokes functions provided by the operating system's ntdll.dll library. For example, Task Manager (iexplore.exe) uses the ntdll.dll NtQuerySystemInformation function to get a list of active processes. A RootKit can hook Task Manager's call to ntdll.dll, and then strip Malware processes from the returned list.

Some User Mode Rootkits patch a few bytes of in-memory Windows API code to insert a jump to the Rootkits DLL. As described above, the RootKit filters output objects before returning control to the compromised code, which then returns data to the application that invoked the Windows API or Native API. A malicious hacker can use in-memory patching to hide files, processes, services, drivers, registry keys and values, open ports, and disk space usage.

User Mode applications and DLLs access the kernel by using system calls to reach device drivers. Drivers have direct access to kernel data objects, including the Master File Table, the Registry Hive, and the kernel's active process table. Kernel Mode Rootkits hook these system calls, patch these device drivers, or modify kernel data objects to alter results at the lowest level. For example, system call hooking can modify the process list returned by the kernel to ntdll.dll, instead of changing the list returned by ntdll.dll to Task Manager. Due to complexity and tight-coupling, Kernel Mode Rootkits must take care to avoid crashing the compromised PC.

An increasingly popular technique used by Kernel Mode Rootkits is Direct Kernel Object Manipulation (DKM). Instead of intercepting query and enumeration API calls, DKM modifies the kernel's own data structures. For example, a DKM RootKit might remove a Malware process from the kernel's process table. It might use syntactically-invalid names to hide folders and files from the Windows NT file system (NTFS). Or it might manipulate the Registry Hive to prevent enumeration of hidden registry keys; for example, embedding a NULL character in a key's name or value, hiding what follows from Windows API RegEnumValue or Native API NtEnumerateKey queries.

These methods can be found in many Windows Rootkits, including AFX (kernel32.dll hooking and patching), Vanquish (kernel32.dll patching), Hacker Defender (ntdll.dll patching), and FU (DKM). For instance, FU loads the driver msdirectx.sys, which can then be used to hide Malware processes and device drivers. Unlike most Rootkits, FU does not attempt to hide itself, which may explain why FU is the most oft-removed RootKit encountered by Microsoft's Malicious Software Removal Tool.


They patch the Kernel level functions and load a driver in its place. The directory listing calls are thus intercepted by the RootKit driver and then forwarded to the actual NTDLL subsystems library function. When the control is again sent back to the RootKit driver from the actual Kernel function, it then filters the output thus hiding its presence.

In the above example, %System%\dllcache\beep.sys is the RootKit driver that patches the ZwQuerySystemInformation. It thus hides the presence of the below mentioned infected files:


At times the RootKit driver patches the ZwQuerySystemInformation or the NtQuerySystemInformation Kernel function.

The native API, referred to as the NTDLL subsystem, is a series of undocumented API function calls that handle most of the work performed by KERNEL. The NTDLL subsystem is located in ntdll.dll. This library contains many API function calls, and all follow a particular naming scheme. Each function has a prefix: Ldr, Ki, Nt, Zw, Csr, dbg, etc. All the functions that have a particular prefix follow particular a rules.

The "official" native API is usually limited only to functions whose prefix is Nt or Zw. These calls are in fact the same and are used to provide function calls in both Kernel and User space. However User applications are encouraged to use the Nt* calls, while Kernel callers are supposed to use the Zw* calls. Writing drivers for Windows is allowed to use the Kernel-mode functions in NTDLL because these drivers operate at Kernel Level.

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